Commercial Construction


Commercial Construction


Commercial Construction Project Checklist

8 Steps to Successfully Manage Your Project in the Bow Valley

Building your dream business in the Bow Valley is a highly rewarding journey—but the process can be just as complex if you’re unsure how to navigate each step. Embarking on a commercial construction project for the first time comes with a lot of unknowns, like how long things might take, how much it might cost, or what questions you should even ask.

This checklist is intended to help you better understand the process, and to successfully manage your commercial construction project so it gets completed on time and on budget to a high level of quality. By following the right steps, you can help make your vision a reality and feel a sense of pride as your dreams unfold before your eyes.

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8 Key Steps for Your Commercial Construction Project

Step 1: Plan Your Vision

Now is the time to dream big and envision your ideal outcome. Let your mission for your business guide you. Gather your ideas and thoughts, and create a business plan as well as a mood board that represents how you’d like your physical space to look and feel.

Step 2: Set Your Budget

The budget for your build will depend on the project scope and level of finish you desire. It’s wise to have a ballpark number in mind to begin with, then work with your prospective construction management firm (more on that in step 6!) to get a detailed estimate. The right firm will communicate with transparency about all costs involved in your project.

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Step 3: Determine Your Timeline

The timeline for your project depends on the scope and budget, but you should also have a ballpark number in mind here. Be sure to let your construction manager know if your building needs to be completed by a certain date. A firm with solid expertise can deliver fast project turnarounds on tight timelines, allowing you to start generating revenue sooner. They’ll also provide you with a detailed construction schedule.

Step 4: Secure a Location

Location is everything when it comes to the success of a brick and mortar business. Consider parking, customer access, food and product delivery access, and how much foot traffic the location might receive. Try to choose a location next to other successful businesses, in a busy part of town, or within a hotel. You must also decide whether you plan to buy or rent the space, and whether you plan to convert or renovate an existing space or undertake a new build.

Step 5: Explore Required Municipal Permits

Numerous authorities have jurisdiction over construction projects, such as:

  • Municipal, provincial and federal governments
  • Landlords and landowners
  • Alberta Health Services
  • Your local fire department
  • Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Commission
  • Parks Canada
  • Other authorities such as medical colleges (for healthcare or medical projects)

It’s essential to apply for the appropriate permits for all aspects of your project so they’ll be in effect prior to the construction phase. A construction manager can help you navigate this step.

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Step 6: Hire the Right Stakeholders

You’ll likely need the following parties on board: a construction management firm, an interior designer, an architect, subconsultants (engineers, etc.) suppliers (kitchen or retail equipment, etc.), a lawyer, a lender, a real estate agent, and an accountant. These relationships are crucial, so choose professionals you trust that have a solid reputation, excellent track record, strong team, and deep local knowledge of the Bow Valley. Make sure their business values are aligned with yours, and that their communication and delivery processes work for you.

Here are a few questions to ask every construction manager you interview:


  • Do you have insurance/bonding/WCB?
  • What are your company values?
  • Do you have the time and capacity for this project?
  • How much will I need to be involved in the project?
  • What can I expect from this experience and process?
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Step 7: Proceed with Design and Construction Management

Integrating construction management with design will ensure your project goals and business plan stay top of mind throughout the design phase. This is called integrated project delivery. Throughout the process, an expert construction management firm will constantly update your budget and schedule as the design progresses to make sure the project is designed within the parameters of the scope—and to achieve your ideal outcome.

Step 8: Work with Your Construction Manager and Adjust as Needed

Supply shortages are all too common in the construction industry nowadays, but the right firm will help you navigate these bumps in the road and keep you in the loop every step of the way. Be sure to choose a construction manager that understands the permitting process and has good relationships with the Towns of Canmore and Banff. They should also know how to handle other local considerations such as extreme weather conditions.

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Leaders in Commercial Construction

Experts in completing commercial construction projects in the Bow Valley, Ashton Construction Services is trusted by business owners to manage their food & beverage, retail, office, healthcare, commercial building, and multi-family projects. When you partner with ACS, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that the Bow Valley’s largest commercial construction company is on your team.

We deliver exceptional construction experiences with extraordinary high-quality results, on time and within budget. Using a variety of project delivery methods combined with our solid reputation among local designers, subcontractors, suppliers, and clients, our team has completed hundreds of commercial construction projects for business owners in the Bow Valley.

Need help figuring out your project details and how to proceed? Contact our team to find out how we can make your project a success.

Photos: Eva Urbanska
Case study by Scribe National

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